:惡魔奶爸 :Beelzebub


第11話 「金で買えないもの、ありました」
    :There was Something Money Could not Buy

    Youtube1 Youtube2
    Mega SayMove  
    ひまわり動画  ぱらすて

 第10話 「弟子ができました」
    :收弟子了 :A Disciple was Gained

    Youtube1 Youtube2
    Mega Saymove ひまわり動画 ぱらすて

 第9話 「恋はハリケーンです」
    :戀愛是颶風 :Love is a Hurricane

    Youtube1 Youtube2
    Veoh Mega

 第8話 「また出会いました」
    :又見面了 :We Meet Again

    Youtube1 Youtube2
    Veoh Mega

 第7話 「魔王も公園デビューします」
    :魔王初次到公園 :The Demon Lord makes his Park Debut

    Youtube1 Youtube2
    Youtube1 Youtube2
    Veoh Mega B9

 第6話 「魔界のおもちゃ届きました」/「お医者さんごっこしました」
    :Toys Have Arrived from the Demon World/We Played Doctor

    Youtube1 Youtube2
    Dailymotion1 Dailymotion2
    Veoh Mega B9

 第5話 「金で買えないものはありません」
    :沒有錢買不到的東西! :Money can buy anything

    Mega ぱらすて

 第4話 「魔王のおもらし 決壊1秒前ですが」
    :魔王尿床 決堤前1秒 
    :There Is One Second Before the Demon Lord's Floods Burst Forth
    Youtube1 Youtube2
    Veoh Mega
    B9 ぱらすて

 第3話 「強くて凶暴なヤローいませんか?」
    :Are There Any Strong, Ruthless Bastards Around?

    Youtube1 Youtube2
    Veoh Mega B9

 第2話 「子連れ番長はじめました」
    :I Became a Gang Leader with a Child

    Youtube1 Youtube2
    Mega B9

 第1話 「魔王拾いました」
    :I Picked Up the Demon King

    Youtube1 Youtube2
    Dailymotion1 Dailymotion2
    Veoh Mega B9






The story follows the "strongest juvenile delinquent", Oga Tatsumi, who is a first year in "Ishiyama High" the school for delinquents. The story starts as he is telling the story of how he found the baby to his best (and only?) friend Furuichi Takayuki. One day while doing laundry by the river (actually, taking revenge on people trying to kill him in his sleep), he sees a man floating down it. He pulls him to shore and splits him in half which reveals a baby boy inside. This boy is the son of the great demon king and he has been chosen as the one to raise it with the baby's maid Hilda. The story follows his life with the child and at the delinquent school. The early chapters of the manga follow Oga as he attempts to 'pass on' Baby Beel to other students at Ishiyama, (The theory is that if Oga can find someone more evil and stronger than him, Baby Beel will attach to that person instead of Oga).


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