逆境無頼カイジ 破戒録篇
逆境無賴 開司 :Gyakkyo Burai Kaiji Hakairoku-henn


 第2話 「勝負の鉄則」

    Youtube1 Youtube2
    Dailymotion1 Dailymotion2
    Mega Saymove ひまわり動画
    ももいろ動画 ぱらすて B9

 第1話 「地の獄」

    Youtube1 Youtube2
    Dailymotion1 Dailymotion2
    Mega Saymove ひまわり動画 B9



元々は前後編の読み切りの予定だったが、福本がヤングマガジン編集部に限定ジャンケンのプロットを話したところで連載が決まり、その後福本の最大のヒット作品の一つとなった。第22回(平成10年度)講談社漫画賞一般部門を受賞。発行部数は『賭博黙示録カイジ』が380万部、『賭博破戒録カイジ』が260万部、『賭博堕天録カイジ 和也編』が既刊2巻時点では累計1600万部。

2007年10月、『逆境無頼カイジ』のタイトルでテレビアニメ化され、日本テレビ系列で放送された。また、2009年10月、『カイジ 人生逆転ゲーム』のタイトルで実写映画化もされ、人気を博した。2011年にシリーズ2公開予定(日本テレビ製作、東宝配給)。





After graduating from high school in 1996 in Japan, Itō Kaiji moves to Tokyo to get a job, but he fails to find steady employment because of his eccentric disposition and because the country is mired in its first recession since World War II. Depressed, he festers in his apartment, biding his time with cheap pranks, gambling, liquor and cigarettes. Kaiji is always thinking about money and his perpetual poverty frequently brings him to tears.

Kaiji's unrelenting misery continues for two years until he is paid an unexpected visit from a man named Endō, who wants to collect an outstanding debt owed to him in Kaiji's name. Endō gives Kaiji two options - either spend ten years to repay this outstanding debt, or board the gambling ship Espoir ("hope" in French) for one night to clear the debt. Using a con, Endō pressures Kaiji into accepting the deal, believing he will never come back from the voyage.

However, Kaiji survives the gamble and is invited to another gambling night, this time at the Starside Hotel. Although initially wary about the offer, he is spurred by his aquaintance Sahara to go. After being the only survivor of the Human Derby, Kaiji decides to avenge his friends by competing in any other gambles the Love Corporation may have prepared for him.

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