第3話 「Many a true word is spoken in jest.(嘘から出た真実)」

    B9 ひまわり動画
    SayMove パンドラ Mega

 第2話 「A good beginning makes a good ending (はじめが肝心)」

    Youtube1 Youtube2
    Veoh Mega SayMove ひまわり動画
    ももいろ動画 ぱらすて B9

 第1話 「All's well that ends well.(終わりよければすべてよし)」

    Youtube1 Youtube2
    Mega SayMove ひまわり動画 B9


 シュテルンビルトと言う都市に『NEXT』と呼ばれる特殊能力者が存在し、その能力を駆使してスポンサーを持ちながら街の平和を守るヒーローたちがいる。彼らの活躍ぶりは『HERO TV』で中継され、その『キングオブヒーロー』の座を巡るランキング争いは激しいものである。


The series takes place in a fictional city called Sternbild City, where 45 years before, individuals with superpowers called "Next" started appearing and some of them became superheroes. Each of city's most famous superheroes work for a sponsor company and their uniforms also contain advertising, most of them for real-life companies. Their heroic activity is broadcasted on a popular television show called Hero TV, where they accumulate points by each feat accomplished and the best ranked hero of the season earns the title of "King of Heroes". The story mainly focuses on veteran hero Kotetsu T. Kaburagi aka Wild Tiger who is assigned with a new partner, a young man named Barnaby Brooks Jr. While Kotetsu prefers to work alone, Barnaby shows him a different perspective on being a hero.


inserted by FC2 system